Pubic Shaving And Anal Massage

It is SO GREAT to be back to work – even on a somewhat limited basis.

I had to share about some fun I had yesterday…

First was a younger guy who came to me to be shaved. He also wanted to experience anal massage. He had never done anything like this before. I had him strip down and put on my rubber gloves. On the table with his butt in the air I first shaved with clippers. Having him lay on his back I shaved the whole front of his pubic area. He was rock hard the whole time! It was neat to see how he was so nervous but trusting me anyways – especially when I went over his testicles and up the shaft of his cock.

With that done I had him get on his hands and knees again. I spread oil from tail bone to pubic bone rewarding his courage with some very nice strokes on his cock. Then I lathered up his ass crack and with a brand new razor I shaved him down to the skin. I began his anal massage at this point gently lubing up his ass. Then I covered a string of anal beads with a condom and slowly put the in as far as he could handle it. I made him keep those in as he turned to lay on his back again.

Anal BeadsI went over the front side of his groin with the razor. His cock was even harder (which I didn’t think was possible). I got the entire area smooth and hair free. I made him get up and get me the trash can and keep the anal beads in hehehehe. When he got back I sat on the end of the table with him on his hands and knees, ass pointing towards me. I slowly removed the beads and penetrated him with my starter dildo. I asked him if it was touching his prostate and found out he had never felt his prostate so he didn’t know. Using my fingers I penetrated his ass and rubbed his prostate with first one finger and then two. With my left hand I pressed against the flesh between his balls and ass so he would really feel the pleasure of pressure on his prostate. He was in total heaven.

When I judged he was ready for the dildo again I put it back in and this time when I asked if it was hitting his prostate he said “Oh Yes!” so I went to work stroking his cock. After awhile I asked if he though he could take more and he said he did and I agreed so I got the dildo that was the next size up. Using that instructing him to fuck back onto it if he liked it – which he did. At the same time I stroked him evenly and deliberately until he lost control and sprayed streams of cum all over the sheet on the table.

Fun Fun!

I’m feeling good and want to give a massage!

Here I am on my crutches with a walking boot. I started wearing the boot last Tuesday and I dreaded it because it’s pretty heavy. Now I can’t wait to get it on because it helps me to be soooooo much more mobile.

I finally feel ready to see clients again. I won’t be using the massage table yet but I will do sessions on the bed. These sessions will be relaxed and focused on gentle touch. Of course once I get worked up… there’s no stopping me!

I did take one appointment last week – it wasn’t really massage – and I surprised myself – once the endorphins kicked in I had no problem balancing on the two chairs in his office with my pants down so he could finger fuck my asshole while I sucked his cock. When he couldn’t take it any more he got behind me and we were able to have some really good anal sex. The hardest part of that session was keeping quiet so none of the other lawyers would hear hehehehe.

Hope everyone had a terrific Christmas!

Broken Ankle Blues

Yup, I broke my right ankle. I was leaving my studio and walking out to the parking lot. I was just wearing tennis shoes. Honestly, I think that’s what did me in – I stepped on a rock and rolled my foot.

My ligaments stretched to their limit and instead of tearing they tore of the chunk of bone they were connected to on my fibula. Now my bone must knit back together and the ligaments heal – at least 6 weeks the Dr. says.

So I am focusing on getting footage I already have up onto my video website and getting my friends Telly and Wanda working. And of course just getting better.

I will work on putting together some stories of appointments I’ve had with Telly and Wanda to give you an idea of their style and personalities.

Yours Truly,


Thanksgiving Massage

Image via Wikipedia

I am feeling super grateful lately! I just moved into a larger apartment to use as my studio and it is super cool! Down stairs is a full living room, dining area that will be my in home office, a half bathroom and a full kitchen. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Now for the painting and some new furniture… and viola! Beautiful new studio. Now to pick a paint color…

Okay, here’s a survey monkey survey

Click here to take survey

Hopefully I’ll be painting sometime before Christmas!

Otherwise let me know if you are local and would like to lend a hand with painting or if you happen to have and extra queen sized bed and/or massage table that needs a good home.

Alright, back to counting my blessings. I also moved residences this month. That has been super hectic as well but had to be done. I was worried at first about finding a new place since I don’t have the usual paystubs to show to qualify for a rental but ta daaa one of my clients who is a real estate investor had a condo we could rent! WoooHoooo – he smoothed through the whole qualification process for me and the fam.

Feel free to leave a note about what you are grateful for. You can find it even in the midst of great upheaval just like me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

PS – I just had to include a pic of boobs I found!

PPS – I was also inspired to put together a few breast massage videos I made for a Thanksgiving day special. Read all about it at

Hot Sessions With Wanda

New people always bring excitement. It’s one of the reasons I love what I do – new people, variety – it really keeps me happy! I know my clients like it too. So far I’ve had 3 sessions with Wanda and every one has been super steamy.

I first met Wanda about a year ago. We had a session together at that time that was extremely intense. In addition to massage there was bondage, lots of dirty talk and oral service for him.

Life circumstances lead her away from me for awhile and now she’s back for appointments. She has a very nice touch. Even though she doesn’t offer intercourse she is very sensual and she has perfect titties for all kinds of play. She is also very service oriented and orally talented.

Let me know if you want an appointment with Wanda and I. She will only come out with me – for now.

About 4 Handed Appointments

I truly enjoy taking one of my friends with me on appointments. I love women and both of the gals I’m working with right now are very into me and I’m very into them. Telly has been a friend of mine for 5 years and we are friends with benefits. I’ve known Wanda for about a year. I met her through a social group we are both members of.

A lot of my clients have told me that having two girls at once is a major fantasy for them. For the brave few who’ve hired us for a 4 handed massage we’ve been able to make their fantasies come true.

The problem is men are nervous to hire 2 girls because they’re afraid they’ll get robbed (I found out that’s called “rolled”). I think that’s a legitimate concern. And most men think there would be nothing they could do about this if it happened to them because they were breaking the rules themselves and therefore wouldn’t be able to get help from the authorities.

One client of mine said a female had robbed him in his room (it can happen with just one girl, it doesn’t take 2). He did report it to the authorities and she was already under investigation for another incident. Ultimately she was prosecuted and punished. I think it’s because Las Vegas is geared toward tourism and will do whatever can be done to make our visitors happy and feel secure. I don’t believe the men who reported the incidents ever had any problems.

To be quite honest, my friends and I are at a huge risk. We are willing to take this risk because we love what we do and the money we make. We see it’s a needed service – needed on so many levels I don’t have time to explain right now.

Please feel free to comment and share any questions or concerns. If you want me to keep them private just say so in your comment and I will not post it.

Couples Sex Exploration And Experience

Or as I like to say “Sexploration & Sexperience”

Today was very successful for my couple. They were only in town for 2 days so we did a 5 hour intensive.

The outcome was

  • Lots of communication gaps were filled in and we discussed different personality/communication styles. I recommended the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman to her. Since he is an entrepreneur and is more familiar with personality types I recommended he review the DISC personality types – Him being a high DI and her being a full S and take the responsibility of applying what he knows about that kind of thing to this relationship. Here are some books about the DISC behavioral model you can check out.
  • She was able to overcome (or begin to overcome) her negative beliefs. We talked about how she gets to choose what to believe and how if something is making her feel bad she can choose to change it and feel better about it. We talked about how to do that. I walked through that process myself with my mentor Shelby Collinge. Yes, fear and shame can be paralyzing. Walking through it and finding the freedom and truth inside is a-freakin-mazing!
  • He learned the basics of massage and sensual massage. You can see my videos about that here. More will be coming soon.
  • We found her g-spot. Yes, after 20+ years of marriage they were both unsure of the exact location. I think her orgasms will be going to the next level now!
  • We covered some basic bondage techniques. I showed him a chest harness and told him to look up to learn more about erotic rope bondage and to get a starter kit. Then we played with clothes pins and clamps;)
  • He improved his spanking technique – there is a way to do it that stimulates the entire groin!
  • They learned how to make anal sex enjoyable. I taught them the techniques I use in this video.
  • My male partner came about half way through the session and we were did some demonstration and he shared his experience about his sexual growth.
  • We developed a plan to keep the communication and kink going once they get home:)

I am so grateful and honored to have had this experience with them. I let them know they could email me if they had any follow up questions and if they liked my style of working with them and they wanted ongoing mentoring I would love to work with them via phone and email for a reasonable fee.

If you are interested in a 5 hour intensive please contact me.


Mischevious Massage Monday! Having a little fun to start the week off;)

Oral sex is one of the most common fantasies a...
Image via Wikipedia

I am definitely feeling playful today! I had a couple of great appointments yesterday that left me totally worn out but now I’m rested and ready let you relax:)

I got to learn a new acronym yesterday – DATY. It means Dine At The Y. Which is a phrase I use all the time since I love eating pussy – I had just never seen it written out that way. My client had asked if I allowed it and I replied with a “Heck Yes!”. Well, he came over and although he claimed to be shy it sure didn’t take him long to get his hands and mouth all over me:) First, I was lying on the massage table on my back with him DATY. Then, he lay on his back on the table and I climbed on top of him and we stayed in a 69 position for a long time. He was doing so well and I wanted to make sure he didn’t stop so I snaked my calf under the back of his head to better hold him in place.

Finally, he said he wanted to make me cum with his fingers and had me get back onto my back on the table. He started working on my but I wanted more of his tongue. When I was about to cum I told him to lick my asshole (which he confided he had never done and under normal circumstances would never do) while I frigged my clit and shot out pussy juice all over him, myself, and the table (so much that it trickled onto the floor in a puddle). This was so erotic that he could hold back no longer and came using his own hand.

I’m going to go over to my other blog now ( to write about the first appointment. Once you read about these two you’ll understand why I was so tired!). Now I’m rested and ready for more – can we say nympho?

Half Off For Halloween

Buy a package of 10 hours for $1,000 (normally $2,000).

Only 15 packages available.

Pay with cash or credit card.
Invoicing available for businesses.

What’s so great about that?

  1. You will save $1000!
  2. We will stay consistent in your progress – we can actually develop some goals to work toward and experiences to create.
  3. By developing a deeper level of trust and familiarity we can go further and experience more pleasure together.
  4. You will have a greater sense of security because we will be able to develop our relationship.
  5. You will experience an overall a greater feeling of well-being; physically – from regular sessions, mentally/emotionally – from knowing that I am here for you and committed to our time together and your ideal experience.
  6. You will get warm fuzzies knowing you’re helping me to publish my first book and to speak at my first big event.
  7. You will have the price locked in until you use all your hours (yes, as I get busier my fees will be increasing).
  8. You’ll get discounts and freebies on other things I offer like my videos and future books and events ($500 value).
  9. You will experience more of the countless benefits of both massage and sex than ever before. To see what I mean just google benefits of massage and/or benefits of sex.
  10. You will receive priority booking.
  11. You will have the option to choose if you would like me to write about our session on my blog or not.

Details Of What You Get

  • You will have 10 hours to spend with me.
  • You may have your spouse with you during our time together.
  • You may gift your hours to someone else.
  • These hours are for my massage with the works (mutual nudity, touching and intimacy).
  • Priority booking – you will always have first pick of my time available. If I am already booked I will make every effort to move the other person and get you in when you want.
  • More options – I will make myself available to you earlier and later than normal.
  • Your time will not expire.
  • You can spend your hours with either at my in call studio, your home or your hotel room.

How To Get Started

Give me a call- toll free number

Or send me an email-

My California Trip Was Terrific!

Photograph of the LAX sign at the Century Boul...
Image via Wikipedia

I love what I do and I am super grateful I can pack up my table and take it with me wherever I go. I just spent 4 full days at a conference in the Westin LAX. I met 2 new gentlemen and was able to invite a previous friend to meet in my hotel room vs. his hehehe.

Interesting hightlights:

  • I got to massage a man whose entire backside was tattooed. That was cool because as I went over it I could see every detail. His art went down the the middle of the back of his thighs.
  • I gave a high stress business man a break from reality.
  • I was told once again that I was amazing:) His best experience ever!
  • I began a session with watching one of my videos, playing with myself while sucking the tip of his dick until I came at the same time my girlfriend did in the video. That was sooooo hot!
  • I got to meet a sexy movie star and offer him a massage. While he couldn’t take me up on it he did ask for my card and that was thrilling.

The conference was good – all about small business marketing which I totally enjoy. I also enjoy telling people I a sex mentor and hearing all their stories and questions… I’ll be blogging about some of those on my other sites.