A Nice Gentleman That Really Just Wanted to Play

Now, this is just fine with me…I’m not complaining. In fact it’s a lot less work for me!

First, he asked if I could give him a 2 hour appointment. I said that I could but that it was a long time…could he tell me about what he liked and any of his fetishes?

He said he was much more interested in the pleasure side of things, did not like the torture/pain. Was more dominant himself and so wouldn’t want to be dominated by me. By the end of our conversation I had some good ideas and I told him I was looking forward to meeting him.

I got to go to the Aria for his appointment. I think that is one beautiful property! I went up to his room and he was nice and clean and ready for our appointment. I had him start out face down like I do with everybody. But instead of getting the oil and starting to rub him I got my long feather duster and caressed it up and down his body. Slow and luxurious, with added pressure at times, over every exposed inch. He even opened his legs up so I could get all the way up to where the leg meets the body. Then I started to use my other hand to caress with a very light touch as well. He was still dry with no oil. After doing that for a time I got out my suede flogger. I dragged it all over his body at times shaking it and twirling it, sometimes giving a soft slap. I know that slap feels good because with that flogger more than anything you feel air moving against you.

Then he told me he was ready to roll over. And yes, he was sure he wanted to do that before I massaged his back. I stroked the front of his body with the flogger and he began to stoke his cock. Now, if you’ve read my stories you already know I’m a perv. Well, this is one thing that I really like to see – a man masturbating. The other thing that gets me off is gay male erotica. So, my client is asking me about all the things I’ve done as a Domme and says one of his fantasies – even though he’s straight – is to get a massage by a man and get a blowjob from him at the end! Now that got me excited. So we began a conversation of how this would happen. The only massage my client wanted from that time on was prostate massage while we talked face to face. We talked about him hiring a partner of mine and us putting on a 2 girl show for him. We talked about going to the Green Door together and finding a submissive man or couple to for him to play with and me possibly play with the girl.

It was so hot! We did this for the rest of the 2 hours! His time came to an end and he came very nicely.
I can only hope we get to make some of his fantasies come true!

This is the kind of feather duster I used

Nothing Like a Canadian to Break a Drought

Wow. I went through a dry spell and then was totally slammed. Good because now I have some new material!

Sunday night I got to go see a client at Harrah’s Casino. It was kind of cool…we had been corresponding for about 2 weeks. He’d read this blog. I was really looking forward to meeting him with all the build up of anticipation! And then his plane was late and I was wondering if it would happen.

Finally it did. I’m so glad he went the extra mile and tried to reach me on the google IM! So I headed over even though it was already 9:30. I got to his room and he was freshly showered just the way I like! I brought in my table and we moved some furniture around. Then he got on the table and we began the massage.

He was so nice. Great to talk to as well. We talked about kids, spouses, vanilla sex and alternative lifestyles. I told him about my fetish services and some of the experiences I’ve had. The most awesome thing was the ass play I got to do to him. He got so freakin hot! He even got on his knees and elbows so I would have a better angle. What made it even hotter was I got on the table behind him and while I finger fucked his ass I reached forward with my other hand and tugged and rubbed his penis. I love being in that position! I love the view. I love the access it gives me. And then he even started calling me Mistress – which if you don’t know about S&M, he was giving me even more power over him, addressing me with a title. He may have not even known that consciously. I drove him right to the brink – 2x – and then continued my massage down the rest of his leg.

He rolled over to lay on his back and as I got to the end of his massage I did a move on his scrotum that made him do a double take because he said it felt like I was licking his nutsack. I know that must have felt really good! I continued to play with his cock and balls until he was near climax again and at that point I stuck my finger in his ass and got to feel as the spasms of orgasm and ejaculation tore through him.

He told me it was the most intense orgasm he’d ever had and thanked his Mistress.

I thought this was the hottest pic that came up for the Canadian flag search!

Super Busy With Interesting Clients

this post is purely fictional and provided solely for entertainment value

I have been SOOOO busy! I’ve had a few really interesting clients since the last time I wrote.

The most recent was last night at the Venetian. Very nice guy! I’m excited because he said he will be in town for a week and may call me every day. We ended up having a super hot session – When I got to massaging his glutes and groin he was loving it so much I just stayed there and before I new it the hour was up! I got so turned on doing that to him I had to masturbate in the parking lot!

My most interesting client though was staying at the Excalibur. He was a beefy black man originally from New Orleans. He got on my table and everything started innocently enough. Then he started asking if I would massage certain parts of his body. It was yes yes yes until he asked if I could massage his prostate. I said yes as long as you’re clean. Before I know it he was butt up in the air. He started telling me he would really like some verbal domination. And he told me about his fetish of smelling feet. I did my best! He hired me for 2 appointments. The hardest part was he wanted racial talk – he said this was the only situation where he liked to be called names and talked down to. I was the first time in my life I ever called someone nigger. Pretty wild!

I had a nice guy from Orange County who was staying at the Four Seasons. Such a gorgeous hotel! He (like many of my clients) really liked my talk about women and what I like to do with them. And what my hubby and I do when we swing.

I had my favorite job yet. An older gentleman from Jersey hired me for 2 full days to basically hang out. Yes, I did some in room massage. Then we went to the topless pool at The Mirage called Bare. I gave him shoulder massages on demand. Oh so awesome looking at all the pretty titties! He treated me to lunch and dinner and then we went out to strip clubs. I love womens bodies!!! I love it when you get a really good stripper and they grind in all the right places! Then at the end of the second day he hired 2 gals from the body rub section of backpage.com and for the first time I had my own sensual massage with a happy ending. I did exchange phone #’s with the girl who rubbed me and took her out to a 3 am breakfast when the day was over. We talked about hooking up but it hasn’t happened yet and it’s almost been a week. I don’t know if it will work out. Keep ya posted.

Now off to a busy day. Thank God my hubby gave me an Epsom Salt rub down last night! Otherwise I’d be too sore to move today!

this post is purely fictional and provided solely for entertainment value

Just Curious… What do you like to buy online?

this post is purely fictional and provided solely for entertainment value

Is there anything else you’d like to see for sale here?

Would you like sexy videos or pictures?

I’ve even heard some guys like to buy worn panties…is that true?

Email me your thoughts at LVMasseuse@gmail.com

this post is purely fictional and provided solely for entertainment value

2 Sessions From Different Ends Of The Spectrum

I had a new client. He lives here in Vegas but said we couldn’t use his house cause there were too many people. I thought “ok, weird but let’s see how this works out”.

So I meet him at the Plaza. He gets a room which takes like 20 minutes. We go up to the room and I set up the table. He turns on the TV immediately. I thought it came on by itself – that’s how fast he did it. He gets on the table and almost immediately asks if I’ll take off my shirt. I say no, I need to keep my clothes on. I’m sure I mentioned this in one of our many texts back and forth. Then he asks if I can take my pants off and again I have to say no.

What was tough was he was talking really quiet and I was totally distracted by the TV. So eventually he quieted down and I finished the massage.

Just weird.

Then I had an appointment with one of my favorite clients. He is an older gentleman from the UK. He is really nice! We have a great rapport. I only had an hour with him instead of his usual 90 minutes so I just focused on his back, legs, belly and groin. He really does need help in the groin area because of tight tendons. And because of the sensual nature of this area it always produces an awesome orgasm for him.

The Definitions Of Pleasure


1. the state or feeling of being pleased.

2. enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking; gratification; delight.

3. worldly or frivolous enjoyment: the pursuit of pleasure.

4. recreation or amusement; diversion; enjoyment: Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

5. sensual gratification.

6. a cause or source of enjoyment or delight: It was a pleasure to see you.

7. pleasurable quality: the pleasure of his company.

8. one’s will, desire, or choice: to make known one’s pleasure.

–verb (used with object)

9. to give pleasure to; gratify; please.

–verb (used without object)

10. to take pleasure; delight: I pleasure in your company.

11. to seek pleasure, as by taking a holiday.

Starting With New Partners Providing 4 Handed Topless Massage!

I am SOOOOO excited. When I work by myself I offer no nudity. I’m generally very strict about that…it is a boundary I have agreed to follow set my hubby.

But he has given me some lee way! If I have a partner with me I get to go topless with her!!!

So now I have 2 gals who are available to come with me and we can do 4 handed topless massage!

For rates check out my services page.

Scrotum Massage

Wow – I look at what search terms bring people to my blog and this was used 2x today already! I knew there was an interest…

I had a client once that said he’d been to Bangkok and that there were tons of massage parlors everywhere that offered all kinds of different massage. One that he had gotten was a ball massage for 1 hr. I didn’t realize it felt that good that it could be massaged for an hour. I mean, I’ve always massaged it but it’s never been a focus. I’ve tended to focus more on the “sacred spot” between the nuts and the asshole and massaging the stalk of the cock through the ballsack. I do play with it, rub it, tug gently on it etc.

I’ve had some clients with fetishes request I get rough with it.

So there ya go. I do scrotum massage. But if you want me to spend more time there you’ll have to let me know.