Visited a Las Vegas Adult Store Last Night

Grrr. I hate being stood up!! It rarely happens but when it does I get very irritated!

So I decided to give myself a treat. I went to a local adult store and checked out the inventory. I was there one time many years ago. I’m glad I went… all of them have their own personality and pricing. This one had a really good selection of strap-on dildos!! I keep myself abreast of these things because sometimes my clients have fetishes or special requests I like to provide those as well as my amazing massage.

Do you have any fetishes?

Could the Adult Swingers Lifestyle Have Stopped Tiger Woods Divorce?

Now that Tiger Woods is divorced I hope he changes his lifestyle. I think that the whole thing could have been avoided if he and his wife had changed their life and their lifestyle!

My husband and I faced divorce in 2008. I had broken our wedding vows in much the same way that Tiger Woods did. I did so because I was afraid to communicate my needs to my husband and therefor I wasn’t getting what I needed. Lucky for us, once we felt we could be honest about what we really wanted (rather than just wanting what we were taught to want) we were able to renegotiate our whole marriage agreement and recreate it to make a lifestyle we really enjoy. Unluckily, it took us hurting each other emotionally to such extremes that we believed we couldn’t cause any more pain and therefor were completely free to talk about our true feelings. Having already faced the ultimate rejection of divorce, the concern of judgement or rejection was lifted.

Now we are in the swinging lifestyle here in Vegas. I have relationships with ladies on the side sometimes – I love women! We play together. When I am in an erotic situation for my work I follow our agreed upon boundaries to the best of my ability. We have a good thing going and I won’t jeopardize it for anything – no amount of money could take the place of what we have.

I Don’t Know Why Older Men Turn Me On

This is one of the kinks I have that surprise a lot of people. I really mean older like 60+. These are some of the reasons:

  • they know what they want
  • they are usually very respectful
  • they know how to communicate
  • they know value when they receive it
  • I love making them happy
  • I love seeing them squirm (with pleasure)
  • I enjoy learning new things

Here is why older men like me:

  • I know how to carry on an intelligent conversation or just be peaceful
  • I am good at taking directions
  • I am very familiar with aches and pains that come with aging and know how to make them feel better
  • I am flexible in my treatment – side lying, spending extra time in certain areas, avoiding others
  • I can provide some fetishes to them for more wild/extreme sessions if that’s what they need to feel better
  • I know how to keep an appointment
  • I don’t upsell
  • I stay the whole time of the scheduled appointment

So those are my ideas. Opinions? Comments?

Working With An Apprentice

It is fun! Scheduling is a bit challenging but we are making it work. Helen is a very quick learner, nice, funny and very interesting. She’s from England so she has a different take on many things. Also, she has her own porn site and her one blog so there are some things she’s teaching me. And she has no problem showing her new boobs either;) Which is a treat for me since I get to look the whole appointment.

I am looking to add a few more apprentices so if you or anyone you know would be interested please let me know. You can email me directly at

How I Am Playful

When I am giving a massage I watch my client for their reaction to my touch. If I notice that they like something by their verbal or physical reaction I will do it more – and more. Most of the time this happens when my client is face down and I get to the glute area. While my clients are mostly straight as far as sexual orientation, a lot of them like to have their butt played with. As long as they’re clean I have no problem with that – in fact sometimes I like it!

I myself enjoy anal play so I know that what I’m doing to them makes them feel really good. I massage all around the asshole and if they push back I push harder. Some even like insertion of a finger or two. My most extreme client took a whole fist! That was pretty intense.

For those who don’t react to anal play I also do groin massage. When I get to the area where the leg meets the body I use extra oil and rub the tendons in the groin area and all around the base of the scrotum. When I see that this is causing arousal I will also massage the testicles and penis. If it seems he likes that then I will lightly scrape my fingernails over his scrotum and up the shaft of his penis to the head. Again, depending on the feedback I get I will massage the part of the penis that is directly below the head – the generally the most sensitive part. I will also gently tap it and swat it mixing in different sensations with the rubbing and tugging. Some clients like me to do all of that while I have a finger in their ass. I try to find the prostate and massage it gently at the same time.

I do these things at the top of each leg during the massage. Then at the end of the massage I rub the belly and work my way down to the pubic bone and again massage all over the groin area. I pull and tug on the scrotum, gently scratch with my finger nails, and rub behind the scrotum. Again, if they like it I play with their ass and make sure my finger is in there for their climax.

I do much the same thing for women. Except for women if they want it I am aloud to use my mouth as well. And yes, on their ass and pussy;)

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

The Bellman

He works at an upscale property on the strip but he sees me to get his fix. Finding himself in an unhappy marriage, he comes to me weekly for needed companionship and release. And man, is this guy hot! Now, I am not worried about looks. I am for hire, not dating. But there is something about this guy that gets me super hot!

I think he thinks I’m hot too. The last time he came over he asked if we could start with the happy ending because he was really horny. “Of course”. So the first half hour ended up being sensual play – SO HOT! I didn’t rush him, I actually let it stretch out til he asked me to make him cum. And then when he did I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom and clean up – I had become extremely aroused!

I finished his hour working on his neck, back, glutes, legs and feet. He likes to hear about all the adventures I’ve had since his last appointment so we chat away. When we’re all finished, he gets in the shower and gets going back to reality.

About Draping

Draping is that top sheet the massage therapist puts over you during a massage. Then, as each part of the body is worked on, it is exposed, the sheet is pulled back and tucked under the body a bit to hold it in place. In this way the client maintains modesty and the massage therapist upholds their ethics of not being sexual in any way. Therapeutic only.

I do not require draping. I ask if it is desired. I do know proper draping methods. If it is I know the client is more modest and may not want erotic/sensual techniques. If they do not want draping then I assume that they most likely want the erotic/sensual techniques and “happy ending” or “release”. If I am unsure I always ask.

I hope this explains some of the terminology of the massage ads. So many of my clients have no idea how to know if they’ll be getting a therapeutic or sensual massage – or something in between.

Non Erotic/Sensual Verbage:

  • LMT or CMT (Licensed or Certified Massage Therapist. They generally abide by the sexual ethics taught in massage school and their boards of certification)
  • Draping Required (while I haven’t found it explicitly stated in the laws that draping is legally required, again, this is part of a code of conduct used to maintain ethics)
  • Strictly Therepeutic
  • Non-Sexual
  • Different fees are listed for different time frames/modalities

Erotic/Sensual Verbage:

  • A flat rate or no rate is listed
  • Saying “you will be happy at the end”
  • Draping optional
  • Sexy/revealing photos (as in many asian ads)
  • A price over $100/hr ( the national average is $60/hour for incall)
  • Nudity is offered

If you look at a lot of ads please post any of your personal observations or opinions. All comments will be kept confidential!

Talking During Massage

In school, licensed massage therapists are taught to be quiet letting the client relax as completely as possible for the highest therapeutic affect. While I understand the benefits of that and do accommodate when it is preferred, I have found the talking to have it’s own therapeutic effects:

  • You are able to get things off your chest.
  • We develop a better friendship.
  • I can customize your session much more quickly.

Sense most of my clients are not used to a masseuse who will talk to them, here is how I go about it:

  • I follow your cues. If you ask questions and initiate conversation I respond accordingly.
  • If I’m unsure I ask what your preference is.
  • If talking is uncomfortable while face down then I wait till you’re face up.

I really enjoy feedback. I know some therapists who don’t like to hear your sounds of approval. I do. It reinforces my intuitive style. Also, if I am doing something a little more extreme then I want to know right away if it’s working for you or not.

My clients have complimented my conversational skills. They have found me to be very easy to talk to and/or confide in. I am very responsive and mature. I also have a very eclectic background so I can talk about a variety of topics. And of course my own personal life is always great for conversation! I have a very unique lifestyle and it gives me tons of great stories to share with my clients.

Some recurring topics of conversation are:

  • the swinging lifestyle
  • sex in general
  • sex problems
  • women
  • business
  • travel
  • BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism and Masochism)

Please do comment if you have any questions or comments on this post. I would love to have some discussion here on my blog! Don’t worry – your identity will be kept anonymous!